Sunday, August 15, 2010

i think

sometimes i feel that i got happiness in my life even when i din't ask for it..and now when i love it,God took it away from me..Love is pain,it gives rise to a strange fear..fear of losing something u love.U become superstitious,possessive and fearful person.Yet it they only feeling that gives u so much happiness.
Sometimes I wonder why do I wanna talk to a person who hurt me so badly..sometimes I think why can't i forget people who have forgotten me..Sometimes i hate myself for loving smeone I wanna hate.Then again I ask myself why can't i hate the person who hurted me so much?I hate myself for loving that person or do i hate myself for trying to hate him?Complicated and confused I stop thinking
Sometimes I wonder how a person who made me cry so much still brings a smile on my face.sometimes I wonder why do i still xpect..then i think i won't expect anything.But still why do i still expect the unexpected?
Sometimes I think that how could i start hating someone to such a xtent.May be that person took away my love that is why i hate him.Then i think if the love is dead then y do i still hate that person..I think ,think and think and m waiting for the day someone would answer me

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Someone asked .. do u love a person more more or hate the person who took ur love more?
To which he replied

'I never hated someone so much until I loved someone so much..Somehow,i hate coz i love and this hatred is not more than my love still it's bigger.Love teaches you to hate..'

Monday, July 5, 2010

India bandh for the common people against price rise going well by burning vehicles of common man,forcing them to close their shops and remain at home.Is it a bandh for us or a way of parties to show their power or what iI say dadagiri by destroying public property and harassing people..Make someone else a fool we are not fools!

why is it difficult to ignore someone who ignores you?

why is it difficult to ignore the fact that someone is ignoring you?why?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

People say female foeticide is a crime.Yes,it is.But I think if people don't want to have girls they shouldn't be forced.A person who can kill an unborn child in the womb can even kill her after she is born.Even if she isn't killed,her life can be made full of pain,atrocities by own family makes her die every moment.She is like a dumb animal with no existence of her own,a zombie.I think its better to kill them one time than to kill them every moment.
I don't write for others so that others can read,I write for myself coz I love writing!That was what I was born for

Saturday, July 3, 2010

DREAMS,Dare Realise them with Enthusiasm and achieve them through Motivation to Satisfy yourself.A person doesn't die when his mortal body dies,he dies when his dreams die.Dreams are immortal.A person who doesn't dare to dream can never be a successful person.Dream is not what we see at night,its what we see everyday.It's the purpose of our life.Purposeless life is like a ship without a rudder.Every beautiful flower has thorns,every dream has some pros and cons.Dreams break breaking hearts.But if you lose hope and stop dreaming you are a coward.We have no right to ask when sorrow comes "why did this happen to me?" Unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way.Happy people plan actions,they don't plan results.Don't lose heart on what the results are.If nothing ever went wrong in your life,you would never have a chance to grow stronger.Dream fearlessly.It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.Hold fast to dreams ,For if dreams die,Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.Hold fast to dreams,For when dreams go.Life is a barren field,
Frozen with snow.Dreams are like

Dreams are like the bubbles,they bring a smile on your face but when u try to get closer touch them ,feel them they burst out and your heart bursts out too!But they still bring excitement in your heart and smile on your face so dream ,DARE TO DREAM!