Saturday, July 3, 2010

DREAMS,Dare Realise them with Enthusiasm and achieve them through Motivation to Satisfy yourself.A person doesn't die when his mortal body dies,he dies when his dreams die.Dreams are immortal.A person who doesn't dare to dream can never be a successful person.Dream is not what we see at night,its what we see everyday.It's the purpose of our life.Purposeless life is like a ship without a rudder.Every beautiful flower has thorns,every dream has some pros and cons.Dreams break breaking hearts.But if you lose hope and stop dreaming you are a coward.We have no right to ask when sorrow comes "why did this happen to me?" Unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way.Happy people plan actions,they don't plan results.Don't lose heart on what the results are.If nothing ever went wrong in your life,you would never have a chance to grow stronger.Dream fearlessly.It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.Hold fast to dreams ,For if dreams die,Life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.Hold fast to dreams,For when dreams go.Life is a barren field,
Frozen with snow.Dreams are like

Dreams are like the bubbles,they bring a smile on your face but when u try to get closer touch them ,feel them they burst out and your heart bursts out too!But they still bring excitement in your heart and smile on your face so dream ,DARE TO DREAM!


  1. I'm confused... Are the dreams good or bad?? should we have them??

  2. dream but then work hard to make ur dream true..
