Sunday, August 15, 2010

i think

sometimes i feel that i got happiness in my life even when i din't ask for it..and now when i love it,God took it away from me..Love is pain,it gives rise to a strange fear..fear of losing something u love.U become superstitious,possessive and fearful person.Yet it they only feeling that gives u so much happiness.
Sometimes I wonder why do I wanna talk to a person who hurt me so badly..sometimes I think why can't i forget people who have forgotten me..Sometimes i hate myself for loving smeone I wanna hate.Then again I ask myself why can't i hate the person who hurted me so much?I hate myself for loving that person or do i hate myself for trying to hate him?Complicated and confused I stop thinking
Sometimes I wonder how a person who made me cry so much still brings a smile on my face.sometimes I wonder why do i still xpect..then i think i won't expect anything.But still why do i still expect the unexpected?
Sometimes I think that how could i start hating someone to such a xtent.May be that person took away my love that is why i hate him.Then i think if the love is dead then y do i still hate that person..I think ,think and think and m waiting for the day someone would answer me

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