Monday, July 5, 2010

why is it difficult to ignore someone who ignores you?

why is it difficult to ignore the fact that someone is ignoring you?why?


  1. coz we cant stand it...we cant stand the fact that that person is ignoring us from whom we never expected that...we dont expect that person to be the one who suddenly will stop talking to us...who will hear some nonsense from here n there n believe it...we never expect anything like that from a dear person...raher we always expect him/her to be our friend who believes us...who shares with us if something bothers him/her...with whom we can share...who we treat as a friend
    Expectation - thats the root of the worry..NEVER EXPECT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE

  2. ya puneet rightly said but it is difficult not to expect.even if we don't,we expect the unexpected..

  3. i know its difficult...but over the time i've learnt it very well...n believe me its gud when u r not bothered by anyone's ignorance...

    u know parry...u can hav thousands of friends but u can hav only a few close and dear friends...i only expect from those close and dear one else...
